Abstracts 2014 - page 69

DOS Kongressen 2014 ·
The association between patient-reported outcomes
and physical outcome measures in Danish patients one
year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Jonathan Comins, Bettina Jensen, Ina Wieland Nielsen, Volkert Siersma,
Michael Krogsgaard
Section for Sports Traumatology M51, Bispebjerg Hospital; 3Department
of Occupational and Physical Therapy, Bispebjerg Hospital; Research Unit
and Section of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) fail to correlate
with anterior laxity and functional performance tests in patients with anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) deficiency. A recent Korean study found that the IKDC
PROM correlates significantly with laxity and functional performance in patients
with ACL reconstruction.
Purpose / Aim of Study:
We assessed the degree of association between two
different PROMs (KNEES-ACL and IKDC) and anterior laxity and standard func-
tional performance tests in Danish patients one year post ACL reconstruction.
Materials and Methods:
Eighty-six patients who had undergone ACL recon-
struction one year previously were retrospectively included. Patients completed
KNEES-ACL and IKDC and a physical therapist applied tests of knee ligament
laxity and a battery of standardized functional performance tests. Between-
knee differences were computed and Spearmans rho correlations were assessed
between the seven subscales of KNEES, the IKDC total score, between-knee
laxity values, and functional performance tests.
Findings / Results:
All KNEES subscores correlated highly significantly with the
IKDC total score. KNEES ADL, Symptoms, and Slackness correlated highest with
IKDC at between 0.67 and 0.78. Correlations between the other KNEES sub-
scales and IKDC ranged from 0.36 to 0.57. There were low associations be-
tween laxity and functional performance. All KNEES subscales correlated highly
significantly with one another.
The IKDC and the KNEES-ACL do not correlate highly with physi-
cal outcome measures in Danish patients one year post ACL reconstruction. The
IKDC correlates best with the constructs of ADL, Symptoms, and sensation of
instability (Slackness) in the KNEES-ACL. This supports the notion that both
PROMs and physical measures are necessary to assess surgical outcome in pa-
tients treated for ACL deficiency.
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