Abstracts 2014 - page 237

DOS Kongressen 2014 ·
The EOS imaging system: Workflow and radiation
dose in scoliosis examinations
Bo Mussmann, Stig Jespersen, Trine Torfing
Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital; Department of
Orthopedic Surgery, Odense University Hospital
The EOS imaging system is a biplane slot beam scanner capable
of full body scans at low radiation dose and without geometrical distortion. It
was implemented in our department primo 2012 and all scoliosis examinations
are now performed in EOS. The system offers improved possibility to measure
rotation of individual vertebrae and vertebral curves can be assessed in 3D. Leg
length Discrepancy measurements are performed in one exposure without geo-
metrical distortion and no stitching. Full body scans for sagittal balance are also
performed with the equipment after spine surgery. Purpose
Purpose / Aim of Study:
The purpose of the study was to evaluate workflow
defined as scheduled time pr. examination and radiation dose in scoliosis exami-
nations in EOS compared to conventional x-ray evaluation.
Materials and Methods:
The Dose Area Product (DAP) was measured with a
dosimeter and a comparison between conventional X-ray and EOS was made.
The Workflow in 2011 was compared to the workflow in 2013 with regards
to the total number of examinations and the scheduled examination time for
scoliosis examinations.
Findings / Results:
DAP for a scoliosis examination in conventional X-ray was
185 mGy*cm2 and 60.36 mGy*cm2 for EOS. The scheduled time for scoliosis
was 15 minutes in conventional X-ray which remained unchanged after imple-
mentation of EOS. The number of scoliosis examinations has increased from
396 to 1.145 since the implementation.
The radiation dose for a scoliosis examination in EOS can be re-
duced to approximately 30 % of the radiation dose in conventional X-ray. The
increased number of scoliosis examinations is related to increased referral and
not due to optimized workflow.
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